Do-It-Yourself: Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

These handprint bunnies are incredibly easy to create, and they are absolutely adorable! You can craft these bunnies using construction paper, colored printer paper, or even plain white paper if you're running low on supplies.

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 Bunnies with Paper Handprints

This Easter craft is incredibly straightforward and perfect for creating with kids – and the best thing is, you likely have all the necessary supplies at home already!

All you need are some paper, scissors, and a few pens, markers, or colored pencils – that's it! This craft is straightforward, quick to complete, and absolutely adorable once finished!

Here are the materials you'll need:

  • Construction Paper
  • Pink Marker
  • Black Gel Pen and or a pencil
  • Scissors

This bunny craft is perfect for those with limited craft supplies! While we utilized construction paper, any type of paper will suffice.

Do-It-Yourself: Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

How to Draw a Bunny Face

Feel free to customize your Easter bunny's face to your liking! Here are five facial expressions I've created (refer to the photo below).

When drawing the faces, think about your favorite emojis. You can create happy, surprised, excited, sad, angry, or confused bunnies. You might even want to add heart eyes.

I prefer using a black gel pen for drawing the faces, but any pen, pencil crayon, or marker will do the job.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Instructions - How to Create Paper Handprint Bunnies

Step #1: Begin by tracing a handprint, ensuring it's slightly wider than usual. Avoid tracing tightly around the fingers to prevent the ears and arms from being too skinny. Refer to the photo below for guidance, aiming for a handprint that's thicker than the actual fingers. You can also watch the video above to see how I traced the handprint.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #2: Cut out the handprint, ensuring there's a V-shape at the bottom between each finger, rather than a curve.

 Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #3: This step is optional, but highly recommended for achieving better proportions. Cut a small slit beside the pinky finger, ensuring that the bottom of the cut aligns with the bottom of the space beside the thumb.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #4: After cutting the slit, the baby finger may appear slightly crooked. Feel free to trim the baby finger slightly to adjust its shape and ensure it looks neat.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #5: Next, fold down the baby finger towards the center to create one of the bunny's arms.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #6: Afterward, fold down the thumb towards the center to form the other bunny arm. Aim to fold them in a way that the two hands "touch" in the middle.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #7: Cut off the middle finger so you’re left with two finger “bunny ears”.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #8: Utilize a pink marker, pen, or pencil crayon to draw the pink sections of the ears. Then, draw an oval shape for the rabbit's nose.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #9: With a black gel pen, regular pen, or marker, proceed to draw the remaining features of the face – including the eyes, whiskers, and mouth. Refer to the examples below for different face options.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Step #10: Finally, draw two small paws at the bottom of the handprint to depict the bunny's feet.

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Your paper bunny is complete!

Do-It-Yourself Making Bunnies with Paper Handprints

Good luck!!

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